This shows what the clock display will look like with the current settings. Click here to select the sound to use for the three quarters hour chime (currently no chime is selected). Click here to change the sound to use for the three quarters hour chime. Click here to select the sound to use for the half hour chime (currently no chime is selected). Click here to change the sound to use for the half hour chime. Click here to select the sound to use for the quarter hour chime (currently no chime is selected). Click here to change the sound to use for the quarter hour chime. Click here to select the sound to use for the hourly chime (currently no chime is selected). Click here to change the sound to use for the hourly chime. Click here to select the clock's font size. Click here to select the clock's font. This option is not available because the clock will be displayed in the menu bar's colors. Click here to select the clock's custom colors. This option is not available because this computer is not a portable. Click here to hide the battery level. Click here to show the battery level. This option is not available because this computer doesn't support color. Click here to display the time using the menu bar's colors. Click here to display the time using custom colors. This option is not available because hourly chimes are not turned on. Click here to chime regardless if a screen saver is running. Click here to avoid chiming if a screen saver is running. Click here to chime just once on the hour. Click here to chime the same number of times as the current hour. Click here to turn off hourly chimes. Click here to turn on hourly chimes. Click here if you don't want the colons to flash when displaying the time. Click here to flash the colons when displaying the time. Click here to display the time and date without the day of the week. Click here to display the time and date with the day of the week. Click here to display the time without AM/PM in 12-hour mode. Click here to display the time with AM/PM in 12-hour mode. Click here to display the time without seconds. Click here to display the time with seconds. Click here to discard any changes you've made to the settings. Click here to save the current settings.